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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

BlackBerry Curve 9320 and Curve 9300

RIM has just announced the BlackBerry 9320 which will pitch in May. By the company, referred to 9320 as the successor of the Curve 3G 9300. Although regarded as a successor to 3G Gemini, but true 9320 series does not have the specifications are not too far from the 'elder brother' is. Bodi There...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

BlackBerry Curve 9320 dan Curve 9300

RIM baru saja mengumumkan kehadiran BlackBerry 9320 yang akan melenggang bulan Mei ini. Oleh perusahaan tersebut, 9320 disebut sebagai penerus dari Curve 3G 9300.Walaupun dianggap sebagai suksesor Gemini 3G, namun sejatinya seri 9320 tidak mempunyai spesifikasi yang tidak terlalu jauh dari...



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