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Friday, April 22, 2011

Black Hole Center The Solar System

Plato argues that  earth is center the solar system, but we know now the center of solar system are black holes, discovered this new century, which was contained in thousands - thousands of sun, even millions million, which surrounds the black hole.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ITouch 4G

ITouch 4G new  Apple output, there are 3 new series is issued that is the iPod Mini, iPod Shuffle and iPod Touch. Everything is almost the same as iPhone 4, except this one can not be used for mobile phones. 

Broadly speaking, the new iPod Touch 4G is really just like the iPhone 4. This new product choices can make a choice as a replacement Iphone 4 which is quite expensive. The price range for the iphone 4 is USD. 760 (16GB) and USD. 880 (32GB). While price range the iTouch 4G is USD. 300.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Itouch 4G

iTouch 4G keluaran baru apple, ada 3 seri yang baru di keluarkan yaitu iPod Mini, iPod Shuffle dan iPod Touch. Semuanya hampir sama dengan iPhone 4 kecuali iTouch 4G  yang satu ini tidak bisa digunakan untuk ponsel. 

Secara garis besar, new iPod Touch ini bener-bener plek sama seperti iPhone 4. Hanya saja memang tidak bisa dipakai telepon. Pilihan produk baru ini dapat di jadikan pilihan sebagai pengganti Iphone 4 yang cukup mahal. Harga yang di bandrol untuk iphone 4 sekitar adalah Rp.6.9  juta an (16GB) dan Rp. 8 juta an (32GB). Sedangkan iTouch 4G di bandrol Rp. 3 jutaan.



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