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Friday, April 22, 2011

Black Hole Center The Solar System

Plato argues that  earth is center the solar system, but we know now the center of solar system are black holes, discovered this new century, which was contained in thousands - thousands of sun, even millions million, which surrounds the black hole.

John Archibald Wheeler in 1967 which gave the name "black hole" that became popular in the world have actually become a favorite topic of science fiction writers. Black hole is a concentration of mass great enough to produce a very large gravitational force .

Black hole is created when an object can not withstand the power of the force of its own gravity. The masses of black holes continue to grow in a way to capture all the material nearby. All material can not escape the bondage of black holes if passed too close. So the object that can not keep a safe distance from the black hole will be exploited. The black hole also can increase its mass in a way collided with another black hole to become a greater black holes.
Earth is 93 million miles from the sun, or about 8 minutes the speed of light, but do we know the distance of the earth with a black hole. The distance between the earth is 30,000 years with a black light speed. One year of the earth around the sun, the earth rotates during the 29.5 days, but the sun around the central black hole for 220 million years.

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